Today was the last day of school for all 3 kiddos. I got all of Emily's pictures the day of graduation, so here are Allison and Ethan with their teachers. It has been an amazing year. The teachers at VDS are unbelievable! Have a wonderful summer!!
Allison with Mrs. Jessica and Mrs. Mande

This would be Ethan's first crush - Martha Mae!

silly kids! (both of my girls LOVED this mirror when they were in the duck room)

Mrs. Kim, Ethan, Mrs. Cherie

His teachers were very emotional while saying goodbye this afternoon. They have been through many milestones with little man. When he first started this year, he wasn't walking or talking. Now he is a running, rambling man! They have been great in teaching and pushing him to learn new things! I can't say it enough; I LOVE this mother's day out program!! Don't know what I would do without them!