Monday, January 24, 2011

The Finale: Santa!

Santa some how made his way to our new house. The girls were worried. They were also excited that we had a chimney that worked so mommy didn't have to leave the front door open like last year. I think it's safe to say that the Kiel Kids were very good this year. Apparently, I'm not very good at wiping off fingerprints! The TV is now spotless, thank you very much.

This was left for us when we woke up Christmas morning. Our magical elf friends, Jenna and Ashlyn, left a sweet note on their last night with us. Santa left one as well. And can you believe that Santa forgot to drink his milk. He must have been too busy leaving presents for us!

1 comment:

Mary Ann said...

EASY BAKE OVEN!?! I can't wait to come over to a wonderful mini cake! ;-)

I LOVE the cookies for Santa dish. I would like one of those one day!