Monday, June 7, 2010

Happy 4th Birthday Emily!

My first baby turned 4 today. Holy cow! Where has the time gone??! She had a great day and tons of phone calls. Every call I had today was for her. It's so fun listening to her conversations - she's so grown up. She chose chick-fil-a for her birthday dinner.....conveniently enough, it was the opening day of the spicy chicken sandwich! YUM! We will have her party once we get settled in to the house and I can get everything organized - like finding the guest list we completed a few weeks ago. Happy Birthday baby girl. You have such a wonderful personality and you are so incredibly smart. You make us laugh harder than we ever thought possible. We are so proud to be your parents.

Princess Ariel. She is "swimming" in this photo.

She looks JUST like her daddy in this picture.
Nana and Papa are also out of town (on a boat) so we celebrated with them Saturday night. She got this Ariel costume and lots of other fun stuff. Can you tell she is really into dress-up these days??

1 comment:

Mary Ann said...

she looks so mature!