Monday, March 8, 2010

Only me....

The girls wanted to ride in the "bike" stroller. Me being the good mom that I am, decided that was a good idea. I got it out of the garage. It was flattened for storage. I got it put together. After many minutes trying to get the handle unlocked, I finally figured it out. The kids got in all ready to go. There were no wheels. Um, why didn't I notice that before I wasted all that brain power getting it set up? That's because I'm me. Those things only happen to me. Yes, I am that smart!! The girls had a blast just sitting in it and buckling and unbuckling the straps. What really made my day was when Emily and Allison (both, at separate times) said that if DADDY was here, he could do it. Yea, yea I know. Daddy can do everything. If only Emily weren't old/smart enough to let everyone know about this......

He really wanted a nap! Poor little man!

1 comment:

Mary Ann said...

Hahaha!!! well, at least they still had fun!