Thursday, May 14, 2009

Big Sister!

I took Emily with me to the NICU this afternoon after school for his 2:30 feeding. She was so excited and had so much fun touching him and talking to all the nurses. She was so well behaved and just loved visiting with her baby brother. I can't wait to get him home; she is going to be the BEST big sister!!

In a rocking chair just her size - just like mommy's!
She made this turtle at school and wanted to give it to Ethan. We taped it to his big boy crib so he'll see it when he's awake.


Jonathan Kiel said...

Those are great! Corrie and I are really excited to get to meet the little guy in two days!!

Mary Ann said...

Emily is just a GREAT big sister ... I love her cheese'n in her rocking chair like yours! Happy girl!