Tuesday, September 28, 2010
VDS Open House
Brunch and Ballet
Just me and my girls! I took the girls to a Birmingham Ballet brunch (at California Pizza Kitchen) and ballet performance (at Saks Plaza) on Saturday. The production was a Snow White medley. We had a ball. At the brunch, the girls each got their picture taken with REAL ballerinas, made their own tiara, colored ballerina pictures, and enjoyed an awesome goody bag. I enjoyed the coupons in the goody bag! I was in the picture with Allison, so I don't have one on my camera to share. What special memories we made that day. Our good friends, the Basgiers, joined us for the fun.
Emily thought she was in heaven with these pretty girls in tutus!
Maybe Em should get a permanent butterfly tattoo on her face! Ha!! Not in this life time, but we seem to be doing an awful lot of face painting these days. Here she is with Savannah. They are in the same class at school and look like they could be sisters.
And Allison finally got a full face butterfly!! For some reason, hers doesn't look as sweet as the pink ones....more like a mask. But she was cute and chose mommy's favorite color ;-).

Home Away From Home
Mark took the little camera to St. Louis a few weeks ago and got some great pictures. He is in St. Louis, MO more than he is here at home, so it's appropriate to show some shots of his "other" life. One of these days I'm going to use his companion pass and go up there to meet his second family ;-)
The Arch
We sure do miss him while he's gone, but I think he's doing just fine!
Last Day at the Pool
Our neighborhood pool closed on September 19th. We enjoyed one last swim as a family. Uncle Jonathan, Aunt Corrie, and Samuel joined us. The kids had a blast and Emily is already counting down to summer. I wish they would leave it open until the weather drops below 90!! Maybe we can work on that with the Association next year ;-).
Jonathan and Samuel
Monday, September 20, 2010
Just the Two of Us
On the days that Emily has school, we come home and Ethan goes right down for a nap. That leaves 2 hours for just me and my Allie B. We made cookies last week and she was such a great helper! I love this quality time I get with just her. She can be herself and not follow big sister around all day. And her favorite: she gets to talk to me "all by myself." LOVE my mini-me!
Happy 60th Vestavia Hills!
The city of Vestavia Hills is celebrating it's 60th anniversary this year. They had a big celebration at the park of one of our elementary schools. There was jumpy slides, face painting, pony rides, free ice cream and popcorn, and a live band. This event was sponsored by our church and was part of our annual Fallderall. We took our kids plus one of Em's friends and we had a blast. It was super HOT though. Enjoy the pics!
Emily going down the big slide.
Baby Blues
Last weekend 2 of the 3 Wettas came over for pool/football/dinner fun (mommy was at work delivering babies). Little Ben has grown up so much since our last visit. He has the bluest eyes of any kid I've ever seen. He fit right in with my three! Here are some cute pics of our afternoon.
The girls loving on Ben.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
War Eagle Girls!
Auburn played on Thursday night so we of course had to wear our orange and blue dresses! Here are some cute pics of the girls before we took Emily to school that morning. And by the way, Auburn beat Mississippi State.....WAR EAGLE!!
This is a little hard to see. Before school started for Emily, she received a puzzle piece to decorate with things that represent her. She and I had a blast doing this project together. As you can see, Disney was a big hit! There are pieces missing around hers....she says that some kids haven't brought it in yet. I did take this picture on her second day so I'm sure by this week, the whole puzzle will be complete. I hope we get these back so I can put it in her keepsake box.

First Day of MDO!
09.08.10 First day of MDO at Vestavia Day School.
Allison and Ethan joined Emily at school today. Allison is in the Elephant room this year and will go MWF. She is slowly warming up to her new friends and new teacher (one of them is the same as last year - we love Ms. Mande)! She is doing great and likes that her classroom is just down the hall from sister's. She also enjoys getting to go to other "classes" this year: music and movement! Ethan is in the Duck room. Both girls started off in this room as well. He is having some separation anxiety issues from mommy. I know it's his age, but it seems worse than the girls. He is very happy and content when I pick him up so I know he's having a blast with Ms. Kim and Ms. Cherie. Mommy is very excited that school is back in session - summer was fun, but l.o.n.g. Enjoy the pics......
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