My camera has died; sorry for not updating and posting pics. I do have some new ones to share, but I don't know when and how I'll be able to. Hopefully we'll get a new camera soon.....I've been wanting a new one anyway!
We're doing well. Daddy comes home tonight after a long week out in Phoenix. We are all very excited and can't wait to see him. Keep checking back - have a great weekend!
Friday, March 28, 2008
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Happy Easter!
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Easter 2008
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Allison snoozed the whole time - good girl!!
Check out this big dude!!
WOW - what is that?
Pretty girl....trying to keep up with the big kids.
Snack time (and rest time for mommy)!! Walking around the zoo makes you hungry!
We went to the zoo this morning with some friends. All the kids had a blast and everyone was exhausted - especially the mommies!! Enjoy the photos......
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Lots going on!
Emily being silly in Allison's bouncy seat
Grandmama, Emily, Mark and Allison
ZTA sisters....Amy, me, Staci, Niki, Stephanie, and Melissa with Allison
It's been awhile since my last post.....just staying busy with the girls and Mark was home for 2 weeks!! Last week Allison had her 2 month check up. She weighed 8# 4 oz and was 21 inches long. She is my petite one! Last week we spent almost everyday outside - in the yard or at the park. My grandparents came in town last week to attend the funeral of my great-uncle; it was nice to visit with them again. Allison and I made a trip to Atlanta over the weekend for a baby shower for a sorority sister and we stayed at Aunt Mary Ann's apartment. Emily and daddy spent some father/daughter quality time together at home. Mark is out of town this week so mommy is very busy!! We have lots of playdates lined up and the weather is beautiful. Have a great week!
Saturday, March 8, 2008
More snow......
We had snow overnight!! This is Emily and Allison's 2nd snow!! Less than 12 hours later all is melted and it's sunny outside - Daddy is even playing in a tennis tournament!!
Here is a picture of sweet Bella - she got her haircut a few days ago. She loves to snuggle with the sofa pillows, especially when it's cold outside.
Monday, March 3, 2008
Beautiful days in March!
The last few days have been full of sunshine and we have all enjoyed being outside. Emily and I went to the park yesterday and today we spent many hours outside on the steps watching cars - Allison and Bella were outside too. Mark played golf yesterday and today he went on a long bike ride. Everyone is doing well AND daddy is home all week!!!! Yeah!!! Have a great one!
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