Saturday, January 26, 2008

Allison Barrett Kiel

Allison Barrett Kiel was born January 14, 2008 at 2:10 PM. She's been an absolute dream so far...beautiful and well behaved already! She's now 10 days old and Jenn and I are really enjoying having her in our lives. In the first 10 days of her life, she's managed to meet everyone in her immediate family, except for her Uncle Howard and her great grandmother, Mimi!!
Allison's big sister, Emily, is really excited about her birth. She loved staying with her Nana for a couple of days, while her mommy and daddy were in the hospital!!

She's also had a blast seeing all the visitors and eating all the great food and playing with all the gifts they've brought to us. Thanks to all!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Congrats Mark & Jennifer! There must be something in the water for everyone to have all girls over there in Alabama! I am glad Allison is healthy and hope to see ya'll soon.

-Lan & Crissy