Ethan was baptized on November 15. He did great; we are so proud of him. Both sets of his grandparents were present as well as his great-grandparents. We were so blessed to have Grandmama and Granddaddy in town for this special day.
This was the baptismal wreath that we gave in Ethan's honor. Mommy and her sweet boy.
Is he not the cutest!!
The Kiels taking the walk to the baptismal font. Seems to get longer each year..... we have had 3 in 3 years ;-) Ethan's moment
Ethan: "I think I got it." (It was also 'blessing of the bears' Sunday)
The 5 of us (if you can find Em) with our pastor. Emily is still hiding.....
Ethan with his parents, sisters, aunt, uncle, grandparents and great-grandparents. What a lucky little guy!
.....can dress herself and be this cute!! She has such a colorful personality and is sometimes the most hilarious person I know! And here she is the very next day - in my shirt and her Snow White shoes - "shoveling" Bella and helping bag leaves. And yes, she did go with daddy to Home Depot dressed like this. What a mess!!
We took the girls to Disney on Ice last weekend. Both of them had a wonderful time and I had a blast too. Disney is my favorite and I was so excited to share that with them. Emily loved watching the princesses but was sad when Sleeping Beauty didn't make an appearance. Allison loved just about everything; she clapped and danced and had so much fun.
100 Years of Magic!! Minnie and MickeyNemo and Dory and the shark (the girls did NOT like this part)
one of our faves! ALL the disney princesses (except Sleeping Beauty). This was probably Emily's favorite part of the show!
Fall is here and we are all enjoying everything that comes with it. We've been very busy the last few months; sorry for the lag in posts and pictures. I have more photos to share but they are on a different computer so those will come later. Sleeping Beauty and Tinkerbell (fairy) had a wonderful Halloween. Baby brother was warm and cozy in the stroller so he didn't make any pictures. I feel bad for that, being that it was his first. Enjoy and stay tuned for more updates!!