Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Ethan's new residence!

We are graciously borrowing a crib from some friends. It was intended to be for Allison in Emily's room, but that didn't work out so well. We have been putting Ethan in here at night and it's working great. I have his bedding ordered so we're using this as a backup for now. In the picture it kind of matches....her room is purple and blues and the bumper is blue toile (with a purple crib sheet!!). It's tight quarters in Em's room for now but hopefully we'll be able to get everyone their own room...SOON!!

more playdate pics...

Here are some more pics from our playdate this week - enjoy!

Allison and Avery
Mommy and EthanSliding in the frontyard with Britton.
Mommy taking Miss Em for a ride!!and this is how we landed!