What's been going on at our house??? Let's see, Allison had her 4 month checkup last Thursday and she is doing perfect. Her weight is 12# 3 oz and she is following the growth curve on all measurements. Emily's last day of CDO was on Friday, May 16th. We were sad to say good-bye to her teachers but we'll check on them next year. She has learned so much from them and has made so many great friends. We can't wait for school to start up again in the fall, especially mommy. We are going to have to find
lots of new things to do over the summer and schedule tons of playdates. Emily also started sleeping in her "big girl" bed on Saturday night. So far, so good - as long as mommy "sleeps" with her! Nap time is still a challenge but she is doing great!! Allison continues to be a very happy infant and we are so thankful for that. Daddy is staying busy with traveling every week to St. Louis, MO but we have been able to have some wonderful family time over the weekends. Mommy even went and 'played' tennis twice this weekend!! We have some busy weekends coming up - lots of parties and trying to get to the lake to ride in the boat!! And of course getting ready for big sister's birthday - the big 2!! Where has the time gone?? Emily and Allison are anxiously awaiting the birth of their new cousin anyday now. Hope this finds everyone well and that you are having a great week!! Enjoy the pics to follow....