Tuesday, July 13, 2010

What being a MOMMY is all about - Love!

This post is for me to have to look back on in a few years. While Emily is having a date night with Pa tonight, I took the other two to dinner and we had a blast. Just me and my babies. After I put Ethan down, Allison and I had some quality time together. We watched a little bit of Hello Kitty Princess and just talked. I was laying with her in her bed as we said our prayers and sang our night-night songs, when out of nowhere she looked at me and said the most beautiful thing my ears have ever heard......"you're a good mommy." Yes, she said that all on her own and it really brought tears to my eyes. My 2 1/2 year old said that?!! Those 4 little words are what make my life as a SAHM totally worth it. Some days are very long and very demanding but my three kids are the loves of my life (and their daddy too) and I would do anything for any of them. Thank you, Allison, for making mommy feel so special. I love you!


Jason and Diana said...

what a sweet blog...what a great end to the day! I love moments like that when I realize what is really most important and how blessed I am!

Corrie and Jonathan said...

how sweet!! it is true - you are a good mommy!!

The Youngbloods said...

I just teared up too! That is the sweetest thing! You are a good Mom!

Mary Ann said...

AWE! You made me cry ... such a sweetheart! ;-)