Monday, July 12, 2010

It was tough to get an after shot of little man - he was hungry and tired. Doesn't it look great!

And this was Ethan when we got home. A big difference between him and Allison (see below).

After - The back. This was the next morning. I had forgotten to get one earlier! Such a big boy!

AFTER - Ethan and Allison


Anonymous said...

So precious and can't wait to see their baby books after this. With the hair cuts, the bottom picture of EWK and ABK, it looks like EWK is so much older than ABK! What happened to my baby nephew and niece? They are so cute!
~Love, Aunt Karen

Mary Ann said...

Ethan does look so grown up! I love how you can tell it is a FRESH cut (especially in the back)! So handsome!
And your sweet princess has beautiful long locks! ;-)