Sunday, April 11, 2010

Happy Sunday!

These pictures are from before we left for church this morning. They were all being silly and asked me to take their picture. Ethan has been having a tough time with his coughing/asthma this morning; hence the rosy cheeks. I was so proud of myself for getting everyone ready and to church before the service started! We miss Daddy, but we know he's having a blast at the Masters.

Only 3 days until DISNEY!!

1 comment:

Mary Ann said...

Oh My Goodness ... I saw the top one from your email! But, when you put them together - wow! You have two little prissy girls! It's like: Pose 1 - hands on your hip and hand in the air (my signiture when someone says POSE)! and Pose 2 - hug on your best friend and ta da! I LOVE IT!!!! And Ethan's just chillin' because he's in the center!!!